AI inference

Practicals from the POV of a software developer

張安邦 / Martin Chang


Slides and pictures licensed under CC-BY 4.0 / GPLv3+. Pick one you like


  • Opinions here are mine, not my employer's. Info shared is personal, not professional advice. Do your research and consult experts before deciding. My employer has no input or no say in this presentation.
  • Nor I’m giving any proprietary information - I don’t want police raiding my home.

# whoami

  • NSYSU CSE – Under Prof. Chang
  • NVIDIA Senior SWE, Simulation Technologies
  • FOSS developer when free


Online view:

Offline download:

Open source work

  • Maintains drogon, one of the fastest web framework
  • GGML fork for RK3588 NPU and Tenstorrent
  • Random OpenBSD and/or AI patches


  • How do I get here
  • How software developers use AI accelerators
  • Trends in AI accelerators design
  • What's making LLMs slow
  • Trends in LLM architecture design
  • The underground AI development scene

How do I get here

AI uses too much power

  • Global warming is horrible enough
  • Let's not make it worse
  • Other FOSS developers also thinks so

I want to run an assistant locally

  • But not with a 550W heat source in my room
  • Also GPUs are expensive AF
  • Monopoly is not good for end users

So I bought an RK3588 dev board

  • Has 6 TOPS NPU*
    • But it's not that simple
  • Cheap
  • High performance CPU

*Many limitations, really a convolution processor

Runing ML models on RK3588

  • Export from PyTorch/TF to ONNX
  • Pass ONNX to RKNN compiler
  • Load compiled model on board

I wish it's that easy

  • Input shape must be fixed
  • Many issues with operators
  • Compiler crash with large models
  • Compiler OOM with large models
  • MatMul on NPU slower then CPU
  • etc...

Enough to get something done..

The piper TTS system

At least the decoder

Getting Piper TTS to work on the NPU

A chain of many individual contributions

  • rhasspy: Piper TTS for home assistant
  • mush42: Separating En/Dec in Piper
  • me: Infra for running decoder on RK3588

Whisper Speech-to-text

Someone did it - usefulsensors/useful-transformers

Now used by some for local transcription

Can I run LLMs.. yes

10 GFLOPS when batch=1

Ditched RK3588 for Tenstorrent

  • That's a story still happening
  • Good theoretical performance
  • Bad software.. but the community is working on it

Progress so far

  • With help up a few others
  • Just got Gemma 2B working
  • 7 patches submitted
  • Working on Qwen2 and GGML support

How software developers use AI accelerators

  • Download/train a model
  • ???

  • Profit

How software developers use AI accelerators

  • Download/train a model
  • Pain and suffer

  • Profit

Two routes

  • Model compilers
  • Bring your own code

Model Graph

Model compilers

  • Compile ONNX/PyTorch into something the accelerator can understand.
  • Optimizes the model graph for speed

To compile the models

from rknn.api import RKNN

rknn = RKNN()

And to run them

from rknn_lite.api import RKNNLite

rknn = RKNNLite()
out_data = rknn.infernece([input_data])

It works until it doesn't

  • Simple, but you can't fix it if something goes wrong
  • Sometimes errors are siltent too

(cont.) stuff you don't know until you try

  • Input shape (sometimes) must be known at compile time
  • Some operations not supported
  • Limitation on shape for certain operations
  • etc..

The average ML engineer doesn't know all these.

Nor pretrained models care.

Bring your own code

You are given API to make the accelerator do stuff. And you are responsible for the rest.

  • Easily adaptable to newer hardware
  • Don't need to wait for bug fixes
  • Usually you have the CPU to pick up unsupported operations

  • Someone gotta do the hard work

Typical BYOC bring up

  • Pick a framework (or not)
  • Register your backend with the framework
  • Write your device memory allocator
  • Find nodes in graph which the device supports
  • Run weight re-layout
  • Use the NPU during inference
void ggml_compute_forward_mul_mat(...) {
#elif defined(GGML_USE_RKNPU2)
// Run matrix multiplication on NPU if possible
if (ggml_rknpu2_can_mul_mat(src0, src1, dst)) {
    // fprintf(stderr, "rknpu2\n");
    if (params->ith == 0 && params->type == GGML_TASK_COMPUTE) {
        ggml_rknpu2_mul_mat(src0, src1, dst, params->wdata, params->wsize);
void load_all_data(...) {
#elif defined(GGML_USE_RKNPU2)
    if (ggml_rknpu2_can_mul_mat_b(cur) == false) {
    // Copy and reorder data for NPU
    ggml_rknpu2_transform_tensor(cur->data, cur);
    if (!use_mmap) {
Make VSCode highlighter happy :}}
void ggml_rknpu2_mul_mat(...) {
    struct ggml_rknpu2_matmul_kernel* kernel = ggml_rknpu2_matmul_kernel_find(m, k, n, pack->type);
    // GGML will switch batch size on the fly. So we need to create a new kernel if the batch size is different
    if(kernel == NULL)
        kernel = ggml_rknpu2_matmul_kernel_create(m, k, n, pack->type);
    int ret = rknn_matmul_set_io_mem(kernel->matmul_ctx, kernel->A, &kernel->matmul_io_attr.A);
    GGML_ASSERT(ret == 0);
    ret = rknn_matmul_set_io_mem(kernel->matmul_ctx, pack->B, &kernel->matmul_io_attr.B);
    GGML_ASSERT(ret == 0);
    ret = rknn_matmul_run(kernel->matmul_ctx);
    GGML_ASSERT(ret == 0);
    memcpy(dst->data, kernel->C->virt_addr, m * n * sizeof(float));
Make VSCode highlighter happy :}

BYOC example

See llama.cpp #722 and useful-transformers

What's making LLMs slow

DRAM bandwidth

  • Fundamental limitation: max speed = model_size/ram_bandwidth
  • LLaMA 3 8B is 16GB @ FP16
  • Desktop has ~ 60GB/s
  • Max: 4 tokens/s
  • :(

    Make VSCode highlighter happy :)

Matrix matrix vector multiplication

  • Most processors are optimized for matrix-matrix multiplications
  • Usually we batch to solve this..
  • LLM is already slow enough. Don't make it slower

source: 黎明灰烬. CC-BY-SA 4.0

Transformer's O(N^2) complexity

  • For attention of N tokens. Generates a [N, N] attention matrix
  • FlashAttention, etc.. tries to reduce the pain
  • But never completely solved in Transformers

Trends in accelerator designs

Low and sub-byte precision math

  • Reduced bandwidth
  • Lower power in MAC operations
  • NVIDIA will use FP6 on Blackwell
  • LLMs trained on FP16


  • 90% spare = 10x performance
  • In practice difficult to do
  • Active research area

source: arXiv:1506.02626

More SRAM!

  • Attention is expensive and large
  • Keep as much data on chip as possible

Sharing Exponent

Tenstorrent. Apache 2.0

GGML has the same idea

#define QK4_0 32
typedef struct {
    ggml_half d;           // delta
    uint8_t qs[QK4_0 / 2]; // nibbles / quants
} block_q4_0;

Trends in LLM architecture design

Grouped Query Attention

  • Let multiple tokens share attention
  • LLaMA 3, OpenELM

Attention free models

  • RecurrentGemma/RWKV/Mamba
  • Attention is slow, let's get rid of it
  • Technically infinite context window
  • Much faster and efficient. But text generation quality is lightly worse

Honorable mention: Linear Attention

  • Try to get rid of the quadratic complexity by exploiting symmetry
  • Doesn't really compete with full Multi Head Attention in performance

The underground AI development scene

Not only the chip companies are interested in AI

Hardware RE and UMD/upstream efforts

A lot of interest and developer efforts

Not even 1st party. Just people wanting faster, lower power LLM

Future work

  • Keep on doing what I'm doing
  • Look into AMD NPU
  • Intel NPU is boring easy, contribution welcomed

Thank you

You can find me in

  • email: marty1885 \at
  • Discord: @marty1885
  • OFTC IRC: marty1885 on #ml-mainline
  • Matrix:
  • GitHub: marty1885