These are my self-amusing posts written in Gemini text/gemini format. Rendered to HTML. You can find the same content on my Gemini capsule gemini://[what is gemini://?]. In fact I recommend viewing through a Gemini browser (like this one) for the best experience. An Atom feed is also avaliable.

Latest Posts

2022-03-27: How to boost VRChat FPS using VR Performance Kit

VRChat is a great game. Probably the only MMO that is not a RPG (Besides one time my friend mentioned it's actually a MMO*ERP*G. Hehe). However the performance can be absolutely awful. Mostly maps not using LoD or avatars with 1M+ polygons. My PC, running a Ryzen 3700X + GTX 970 can only get a p...

2022-03-20: The design of TLGS's crawler

TLGS is a search engine. Crawling is a very important part of it's oprtation. A crawler must follow links that it sees, retrive the page and follow more links on that page. While writing a basic crawler with DFS is relatively easy. Implementing a crawler that handles concurrent crawls well, runs o...

2022-03-19:, my new hybird Gemini/HTTP website

I decided to rewirite both my personal website and my Gemini capsule into a single service... Whoah.. that is so not UNIX. I should have just kept separate servers doing their own thing. But I have (I hope) good reasons to go the other way. Namely I want Atom feed because I want to explore how A...

2022-03-13: Recover from Linux update disaster

Disaster just stroke me today. My Arch Linux laptop suddenly shutdown for no reason during system upgrade. - I'm 100% sure it's not a battery issue, I have like 23% left when I started upgrade - In any case. When I rebooted the system and got pass GRUB's boot screen. It just says "can't find linux...

2022-02-28: Ranting. My problems with C++

I have been really annoyed by C++ recently. I love C++. It gives me the absolute best performance out of all languages with high level of abstraction. But it has so many problems that makes it borderline unusable sometimes. C++ gives me 100% control over very fine details on exactlly when and h...

2022-02-03: RE: Gemini as a fertile frontier for hacking have a interesting piece of small article I encourage people to read. For me as a search engine developer at leaset. He poses some important questions. This is totally true. The fact that Gemini is the size of early Internet is a blessing for developers. Commoncrawl[1] is a massive com...

2022-01-24: Does a Free and Open Source Metaverse make sense? Ans: Maybe not?

My friends and I are considering to build a FOSS version of VRChat for fun, from scratch. Maybe just in case VRChat disappeared in the future. I trust that we have technical skills to do it. However, that gets me thinking, how would we run this place? It's likely building the software and infrastr...

2022-01-19: A CryptoPunk's Dream

This is my dream. I perfered to be called a CryptoPunk. But CyberPunk will do. Everyone is just a number. That's no a bad thing. No longer we sign contracts and leagal documents with our name. We sign them with private key(s) that we own. Our identities are no longer bounded to ours names. Now we...

2022-01-14: Designing my ideal secure laptop

This is just something I dream of.. And maybe actually build some day, when I have some extra cash or when I switch to a new laptop. The goal is as follows. But to be frank, it's so I can have the peace of mind knowing that no one, not even the CIA or Russian hackers can get into my laptop. I feel...

2022-01-06: Doing better than DuckDuckGo, some ideas

This is my thoughts on Drew's article[1] in which he explains his ideas of an ideal, open search engine. I want to share my thoughts too. Hopefully I'm qualified on writing about this. I am no researcher on related topics. But I do created TLGS. Hopefully some thoughts could help people realize a ...

2021-12-31: VRChat - how the metaverse could be and should be

I am a VRChat[1] player. I know it's very rare. Espically considering I'm on Gemini. Unlike most people on this protocol. I am not a pessimist when viewing technology. I think the Metaverse is a logical nextstep to the internet. But I don't think the one built by Facebook would ever live up to it'...

2021-12-11: Understanding Drogon's threading model

Drogon[1] is a fast C++ web app framework. It's fast in part by not abstracting the underlying threading model away. However, it also causes some confusions in our userbase. It's not uncommon to see issues and discussions about why responses are only sent after some blocking call, why calling a b...

2021-12-01: Runing the Jami daemon - Not missing messages with Jami

Jami is a very cool distributed instant messaging program under the GNU project. The same GNU that brings you GIMP, glibc, Octave and much more. Jami clients communicate through the OpenDHT distributed hash table. However, the DHT only stores your message briefly. Thus, you miss your messages if y...

2021-11-14: On privacy and tech development - Martin's Capsule

Modern software (espically from cooperations) are a privacy concern. Why in the world would a video conferencing program wants to know the spec of my PC and when I'm using it. And it's never opt-out. I think this in an unfortunate fact of competition between tech companies for their market dominan...

Author's profile. Photo taken in VRChat by my friend Tast+
Martin Chang
Systems software, HPC, GPGPU and AI. I mostly write stupid C++ code. Sometimes does AI research. Chronic VRChat addict

I run TLGS, a major search engine on Gemini. Used by Buran by default.

  • marty1885 \at
  • Matrix:
  • Jami: a72b62ac04a958ca57739247aa1ed4fe0d11d2df